Love & Acceptance in the Moment
Love & Acceptance in the Moment
Karon’s Kundalini Yoga
When anyone meets Karon Sartore you immediately know…she’s fun and sparkles! You feel her vibrations of LOVE flowing forth. We knew our yogis would love to learn more about theis remarkable woman. Also, mark your calendars…Karon will be teaching a class at the Cosmic Yogi Festival on June 2, 2018 at Addison Conference and Theatre Centre. Look for her class on the schedule.
DYM: Are you originally from Dallas? If not, where are you from?
Karon: I’m originally from Birmingham, Alabama.
DYM: How do people react or what do they say when you tell them you are a yoga teacher?
Karon: They are inquisitive and inquire about where I teach and what types of yoga I teach. I tell them I teach Rope Wall Yoga and Kundalini. They seem to get the greatest reactions and questions.
DYM: Do you have another career?
Karon: Yes, I own a small catering business, Food With Benefits. I enjoy sharing my knowledge of nutrition and the benefits of understanding how to properly nourish our bodies with the art of cooking using natural and healthy ingredients.
DYM: Love that name! (Laughing) What prompted you to attend your first yoga class? What were your thoughts about it at the time?
Karon: It was a natural calling…and I realized that at the right time the practice of all areas of yoga, not just asana, would become a major part of my life.
DYM: How did that lead you to becoming a yoga instructor?
Karon: Actually, I have my daughter, Jaclyn, to thank for taking the first step in becoming certified….along with her encouragement and support through the process. She and I attended our 200 hour training together…what a gift that was.
DYM: We have never heard of a mother and daughter getting certified together. That’s incredible! What certifications do you have?
Karon: I have my 200 hour kundalini and meditation training, Reiki I, II & III, Munay Ki Rites, and completing my 300 hour in May.
DYM: You know Kundalini is one of our favorite types of yoga. We have to come take one of your classes soon! Do you have a preferred style of yoga you practice?
Karon: For my personal practice I prefer Kundalini, Meditation, Ropes and Hatha….in that order.
DYM: Does your other family members and friends support your yoga dedication?
Karon: Absolutely…very humbling to see how they encourage, support and learn from me. My practice has allowed me to interact with my family on a much more calming, loving and nurturing level. My husband, Keith, IS my biggest fountain of support and encouragement to do what I love…sharing love and acceptance.
DYM: That is beautiful and inspiring. What can someone expect when they go to your class for the first time?
Karon: Acceptance and encouragement. I come from a place of acceptance, accepting everything as it is in that moment. Allowing them to find their practice for their body. I view myself as the student as they are also my teachers in one class. I encourage them to find their version of the postures and to honor their bodies. We so often hear our bodies speaking to us, but very rarely do we take the time to listen and honor our bodies; even on our mats.
DYM: What do you want your students to accomplish or “take away” from your class?
Karon: A strong sense of peace and an even stronger sense of self love and acceptance.
DYM: What advice would you give someone thinking about becoming a yoga instructor?
Karon: Be prepared to learn more about yourself. Research….lots of research…there are so many avenues to gain certification that it becomes overwhelming at times to know what fork in the road to take. Trust the process…you are growing into the best version of yourself.
DYM: What was the biggest hurdle you have had in your personal yoga practice?
Karon: My monkey mind…IT IS SO BUSY! (Laughing)
DYM: We understand completely. It’s so hard to turn it off sometimes. What was the biggest hurdle you have had as a yoga teacher?
Karon: Confidence…the first question we are asked when going into training/certification is”Why are you here?” and “What do you want to do?” The first time I answered those questions in my 200 hour certification classes I said, “I’m not sure why I’m here and I don’t know if I have what it takes to be a yoga teacher.” But now, I have more confidence and I’m pleasantly surprised and happy to be a teacher.
DYM: What are some of the biggest changes you see in yourself since you started practicing?
Karon: A true sense of calm; I interact with and respond to people instead of reacting to people and situations.
DYM: Sometimes humorous situations happen in class. Can you think of something that you have seen or experienced?
Karon: The smiles on their faces when they accomplish something in class they thought was unattainable-especially on the ropes…they usually jump for joy and excitement when they accomplish an inversion and ask if I will take a picture…I am Rope Wall Paparazzi! (Laughing)
DYM: Do you have any favorite Mantras you use?
Karon: Ong Sohung – The Creative Consciousness of the Universe, I AM That.
DYM: Do you have other practices you add or incorporate with yoga to enhance your practice?
Karon: Meditation is a must in my life. Stopping for 2 minutes sitting quietly in my car, practicing for an hour or more in my meditation room, or listening to Mantras while in the kitchen; I am always trying to meditate actively or passively. Mantra meditation is my jam and I attend kirtans. I moon bathe my crystals-trying to keep the good vibes flowing freely and effortlessly through me to share with my tribe. I do what feels right at the time to help me embrace my truest self.
DYM: If you had to use one word to describe yourself, what would it be and why?
Karon: Loving…I believe this is the foundation for every soul, a person cannot do anything without the ability to love.
DYM: If you could be on the cover of Time Magazine, what would be the reason?
Karon: When you are with me you know…YOU KNOW you are loved and you are love…worthy of that is great and good in this world and universe.
DYM: What advice would you give someone new to yoga?
Karon: Enjoy, have fun and don’t worry about it.
DYM: Let everyone know where you teach so everyone can find you.
Karon: I teach at Blue Anjou Yoga and Meditation in Lewisville…my home, my love!!! I teach Rope Wall on Sunday evenings at 6:00pm, Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm, Thursdays at 12:00, and Mindful Monday Meditation at 7:30pm every Monday. You can also find me in Little Elm at Strive Studios on Friday and Sunday Evenings teaching a Happy Hour Yoga on Fridays at 6:00pm that embraces all areas of yoga and varies from week to week. Sundays is Restorative at 7:45pm. You can find this information online at MINDBODY
DYM: What else would you like to share about yourself?
Karon: My name is Karon – pronounced KAY-run…I have gotten so many different pronunciations in my life….therefore, that is why I am simply K…just the letter.
DYM: Thank you so much for taking the time for this interview. Your spirit and love shine and everyone can see it.
Remember, Karon will be teaching a class at the Cosmic Yogi Festival on June 2, 2018 at Addison Conference and Theatre Centre. Look for her class on the schedule.
Get in touch with Karon:
Email: [email protected]
Social Media:
Instagram: Lifewithbenefitsyoga
Facebook : Life With Benefits Yoga and Energy Healing (this is a work in progress right now very simplistic)