Power of Positive Focus
Power of Positive Focus
By: Jason Chaussee, Certified Master Transformation Coach
Wherever we focus our energy, it grows.
Think about it.
When you think about something upsetting, do you get calmer? Of course not. You usually just get more upset. And if you continue to think about what upset you, you probably get even more upset until you’re angry or frustrated or crying.
Does our increasing anxiety solve any problems? No. It just makes the problem seem bigger and more overwhelming.
We get wrapped up in a vicious cycle of anger and fear and anxiety which feeds on itself. It causes our unhappiness to grow and that’s not what we want.
What would happen if you stopped the cycle? What if when you started feeling angry, you changed your self-talk to something more positive? What if when you experienced anxiety, you stopped yourself and said “no, I’m not going to think this way.”
What if you changed your thoughts to something more positive?
What if, instead of putting your energy towards anger or crying, you put your energy towards doing something positive?
Choose to put your energy towards something you want to grow.
Make your dreams a reality.
Envision what you want.
Create a picture in your mind. See yourself accomplishing your goals and reaping the fruits of your labor.
If you can envision it, you can create it.
Why don’t we put more energy towards using positive thoughts to create what we want more of in our life?
All too often we hold onto fear and anxiety, afraid to step forward. What if we fail? Remember that time when we tried something new and it didn’t go so well? Of course! We’ve all experienced that at some point in our life. There’s a learning curve when we try new things and it’s not going to be perfect the first time.
Mistakes are okay. So, stop expecting perfection. Sacrifice yesterday. Let go of the self-doubts of the past so you can free yourself for tomorrow. Free yourself from mind jail. You get to control your thoughts. Allow yourself to experience life without those past burdens of fear and anxiety. Think of all the positive possibilities.
Our energy not only impacts us inside, but our energy also impacts others who interact with us. So, when we carry around negative energy, its negativity impacts the people in our life.
We’ve all been there before. We come home from work after a rough day. We complain about everything that went wrong. The next thing you know, we’re rattling off a laundry list of everything that didn’t go as we wanted. By the time we get to the end of our long list of complaints, how does our listener feel? Uplifted? Motivated? Probably not.
We took our negative energy and spewed it all over our listener, creating more negativity. Our listener might even chime in and talk about everything that went wrong in their day. So now we have two people dwelling on negativity.
But let’s change our choices. We get to choose where we put our energy. What if we focused on the good in our day rather than fixating on the bad?
You come home and when you’re asked how your day was, you pause for a moment. You search your mind for something positive, and you start to realize all the good that happened during the day:
Your boss gave you a compliment.
You finished a project.
You found a ten-dollar bill in your coat pocket.
So, this is what you focus on and share. You feel uplifted, smiling as you tell a funny story about the theatrics of a friend. You and your listener are both smiling and happy. What a wonderful start to the evening!
Every day, every moment, we get to choose our thoughts. Our thoughts impact
our feelings. When we mentally head down a path of negativity, we can choose
to redirect our thoughts to more positive ideas.
Think positive. Be positive. Create positive energy in your life and watch the positivity grow through you.
This is all about discovery – uncovering the uniqueness of you and providing a space to step back.
I like to offer my clients a complimentary discovery session before joining my program.
This provides the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about my programs and my coaching philosophy.
To schedule your discovery session please email me at [email protected] and mention “FOCUS311”.
About the Author:
Jason is an accomplished Holistic Trauma Expert, a Certified-Master Transformational Coach and successful Spiritual Teacher. His teachings are based on extensive studies and his own life experiences. His special gift was received through a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), at the age of 2 ½ which resulted in a 25-day coma. Since awakening with seizures, Jason has experienced life differently. Despite his physical limitation, he has been able to research and apply a full-body approach to his own healing. His spiritual teaching/energy work has transformed many lives, teaching individual to find different ways to heal their own mind, body and soul. Most people who have had traumatic events are unsure how to thrive in life. The truth of trauma: to learn to understand it as a Special Gift to thrive WITH – not to die FROM.