The post 5 Signs You are Ready for an Advanced Yoga Class appeared first on Dallas Yoga Magazine.
]]>One of the most rewarding things about doing regular exercise is the chance to see your body gradually becoming stronger and leaner. The same is true for your mind – doing yoga regularly lets you discipline your mental and physical stamina. And that is one of the obvious reasons to try yoga. Making noticeable progress is undoubtedly a cause for celebration, but sometimes you might be overestimating or underestimating what you can achieve. For this reason, we will talk about five signs you’re ready for an advanced yoga class.
Why shouldn’t I join the advanced yoga class right away?
At the outset of their yoga journey, many people are too insecure about their muscular and mental endurance. This is, of course, completely natural. Doing advanced yoga can be too demanding for your current physical state. You could easily get hurt during practice or discouraged if you find that you cannot keep up with other people in the class.
For this reason, most yoga instructors believe that it is best if you stick to easier, beginner-friendly classes when you are starting your yoga journey – no matter what your fitness level may be at the moment. This allows you to gradually learn the right way to do different asanas and, even more importantly, to help your body ease into and get used to the movements, breathing, and exercising regularly.
It is better to take it slow – learn and practice the poses in your own time.
Of course, if you’ve been doing yoga for some time now, you might naturally wonder if you need to be challenged more or not. Yoga instructors are divided when it comes to this question.
Namely, it is difficult to estimate if your muscles and stamina are indeed ready to move on to the next level without you trying out more advanced poses. This means that the easiest way to be sure if you are prepared for an advanced yoga class is to go to the class and see if it is too demanding for you.
However, as we have mentioned, sometimes there are reasons why you might hesitate to do so. Every human being and, hence, their yoga journeys are entirely different. However, there are a few signs everyone should pay attention to so that you can figure out if you are ready for an advanced yoga class. Let’s take a look at them.
1. Focus on your skill and endurance rather than your physical appearanceSince your muscles do not necessarily ‘grow’ from yoga, this does not mean you are not getting stronger and leaner with each practice. And yes, yoga is excellent for losing pounds, reducing belly fat, and the like, but it is better to rely on whether your stamina and precision have increased than on your changing physical appearance.
Some people naturally look more muscular and lean, even though they actually might not be as prepared for advanced workout regimens as it may appear. Essentially, this is why you cannot just jump into advanced yoga classes – yoga is not all about pure strength. You will need some time to connect your mind with your body, which is an element of yoga that many people find to be the most exciting and fulfilling.
Yoga is not only about physical strength; it is also about correct breathing and peace of mind.
Of course, a true sign that your body is becoming more and more capable and accustomed to a certain level of difficulty is when you finally master the postures you had found to be impossible for you in the first few months of taking yoga classes.
It takes some time to start doing the poses alone and in the right way. Once you manage to do so, this is when you can be confident that you are definitely on the right track to switch your beginner’s class for the advanced one in the near future.
3. You feel confident when you are doing poses you couldn’t before
One word of advice – the best way to practice yoga is to challenge yourself all the time. However, you should raise the bar incrementally so that your body has the time to keep up with the increased level of difficulty. So, even if you successfully hold a particular asana once, twice, or a few times, that does not necessarily mean that you have mastered it. Give yourself enough time and practice to really perfect the pose and, at the same time, your fitness level.
4. You are taking your time before joining the advanced yoga class.No need to rush it, but push yourself so you know when you are ready.
It is all too natural that you are eager to prove yourself to your yoga instructor, your peers, and most importantly, yourself. Although having such a drive is not only good but highly recommended, in some cases, it can be detrimental to your overall health and well-being.
In essence, most of the time, you need to ‘chill-out’ and slow down your pace. For instance, you could be juggling your daily duties and trying to find experts in Dallas to help you relocate to a new neighborhood. Putting unnecessary strain on yourself amid such a stressful and demanding schedule can be counterproductive rather than stimulating. So, be sure to go easy on yourself. Also, keep in mind that you are in a race with yourself, not others. This means that there is plenty of time for you to practice before joining an advanced yoga class. So, if you realize you have allowed yourself enough time to master the lower-level yoga, think about moving upward.
5. You are curious to know more.Yoga is probably so universally loved because of the way it manages to stimulate people to be more open, curious, and disciplined. Once you start to see this urge to know more about yoga and how you can perfect your yoga practice, it is a surefire sign you’re ready for an advanced yoga class. It takes genuine interest and commitment to follow the tempo and level of difficulty of an advanced course, so we recommend you first figure out if you are ready to commit to it truly.
Author Bio
Janine Woodley has been an avid yogi since her teenage years. It is mindfulness, discipline, and overall bliss of practicing yoga that has led her to become a professional yoga instructor after college. Apart from hatha yoga, she also does advanced acroyoga classes.
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]]>The post Be Your True Age: Tips for Keeping Your Body Feeling Young appeared first on Dallas Yoga Magazine.
]]>Your brain might be the first organ to clearly show that it is aging. According to the Healthy, if your brain is aging faster than you are, you will start to have trouble finding the right words when talking and could even experience memory loss. You may also have problems with driving or maintaining your balance. Before things get to that point, however, there are things you can do to keep your brain young and healthy. These include getting exercise and making sure you are sleeping well at night. It is also recommended that you participate in social activities like going out with friends or taking part in community activities. It also helps when you stimulate your brain by starting a new hobby, such as playing an instrument or learning a new language.
Keep Your Body MovingThe World Health Organization recommends that adults between the ages of 18 and 64 get at least 150 minutes of moderately intense physical exercise per week. If you are doing a more intense exercise program, then you only need 75 minutes per week. The type of exercise activities you participate in may vary, but it is important to develop a program that maximizes the benefits without causing you harm. When doing your research, you should consider which exercises impact your areas of interest. For example, it has been found that endurance training can help the body and brain feel and act younger.
To ramp up your endurance training, consider purchasing a fitness tracker or smartwatch to monitor your progress and provide motivation. These tools can measure the distance you travel, calories burned, and your heart rate, along with many other metrics. There are tons of great new models available including the Apple Watch Series 6 which has always-on display and can monitor your workouts whether you run, bike, swim, or dance. Another model is the Fitbit Inspire HR which has heart rate tracking, guided breathing exercises, and sleep monitoring.
You are as Young as You EatEating well not only keeps you healthy, but it can also help you look and feel younger as well. The food you eat can be the difference between being your true age and aging faster than you should. It is best to avoid refined carbohydrates and foods that are high in bad fats. Foods that are high in sugar and salt should also be off your shopping list. Instead, you should focus on adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet. As a substitute for sugar, try recipes with dried fruit instead.
Another interesting point to consider is the health of your gut microbiome. If you have never heard that term before, then it is talking about the group of microorganisms that live in your stomach and help to regulate important functions such as your immune system and the balance of neurotransmitters in your brain. Keeping your gut microbiome healthy keeps your body healthy and less likely to age faster than it should. Some of the foods that can keep your gut microbiome healthy include wild salmon, pickles, yogurt, and dark chocolate.
Take a Break From it AllWhen you take breaks from your daily lives and hectic schedules, your body will thank you. Activities like meditation and yoga can help to reduce your stress levels while giving you the tools you need to focus on your daily tasks. When you get enough sleep, your body shows the effects on the inside as well as the outside. You will not only feel more refreshed and have increased mental acuity, but your skin will also keep looking young. If you have issues with pain or insomnia, consider getting acupuncture to alleviate the symptoms. Also, a joint supplement can help alleviate pain and improve mobility if you have joint issues.
There are a number of ways you can ensure that your body stays young. The sooner you start making them a part of your daily life, the quicker you will start to see the results.
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]]>The post Yoga to Reduce Belly Fat in 15 Days appeared first on Dallas Yoga Magazine.
]]>Description: With the help of the right yoga asanas, you will lose your belly fat within mere days. Here is a guide of some yoga exercises we have put together for you.
An erroneous lifestyle, high-stress levels, lack of exercise, and unhealthy eating habits – all these factors are responsible for a flabby tummy. This lack of abdominal strength will then manifest in the form of lower back pain and can cause other problems like maladies of the pelvic region or cause the visceral organs (gut) to start sagging.
Combined with a proper diet (one of our favorites is this ketorade recipe with vegetables) combined with a good yoga fitness routine will help you reduce your belly fat significantly. Yes, yoga does play an important role in switching on the abdominals and their subsets, thereby allowing you to recoup while warding off different ailments like acid reflux.
What are some yoga exercises that can help you reduce belly fat?
If you want to know how to reduce belly fat naturally in 15 days, all you need to do are some yoga asanas every day.
Here are some examples to strengthen your core and eliminate belly fat:
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-facing dog pose)This is the most basic yoga asana that will help you lower your belly fat. To do this pose, you first need to lie flat on your tummy on the yoga mat or floor. Then, you need to lift your body on all four limbs and bring your feet and hands closer, thereby acquiring a mountain-like pose.
You need to maintain and hold this pose for a few minutes. While doing so, you might experience a sensation around your belly area, which is undergoing compression. This pose will also help you get rid of fatigue and increase bone density.
Padahastasana (Hand-under-foot pose)This is another yoga exercise to reduce belly fat. You first need to start by taking a deep breath and then bend your body forward in slow motion. After you have bent, you need to touch your feet with your hands in such a way that your nose touches your knees as well. Hold this pose for some time.
Even if you cannot do this yoga asana properly, it is advised that you practice as much as you can. This pose will exert a lot of pressure on your belly fat and significantly help in its reduction.
Paschimottanasana (Seated-forward-bend pose)This is one of the best yoga poses to lose belly fat. For doing this asana, you need to sit on the floor and stretch both your legs to your front and outward. Then, you need to hold both the toes with your hands and then try touching your nose to your knees.
With the help of this pose, you will feel an intense pressure building around your belly area; this pose will help you reduce your belly fat drastically.
Setu Bandhasana (Bridge pose)
This is a yoga pose that will help you reduce belly fat. To learn this, you first need to lie down on the floor or your yoga mat. Place both bands on each side of your body and make sure that your palms are touching the floor.
You then need to rise from the floor with the help of your lower body only upwards. You need to hold the pose for some time and then let go. This yoga asana will help you stretch your torso region, thereby reducing your belly fat.
Baddha konasana (Cobbler’s pose)This is a top yoga pose if you want to lose your belly. You need to sit on the floor for this pose and join the soles of your feet together. Hold your feet with both hands and stay in this position for some minutes before letting it go.
This pose will help open up your groins and hips. Additionally, it will also strengthen your knees and thighs and flexibility of your body, apart from reducing belly fat.
Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
This is an easy pose of yoga to reduce belly fat in 15 days. For this, you need to lie flat on the floor on your tummy. Then, you need to place both your hands on the floor and push yourself up (only the upper half) and look up to the sky.
This asana will stretch your belly area; this way, you will know that that body portion is getting some exercise and will cut down the fat. It also opens your chest and your heart.
Conclusion on Reducing Belly FatWith the help of the yoga asanas mentioned above, you will be able to lose belly fat with ease. Additionally, eat a well-balanced meal cooked in good oil, drink a lot of water, and stay away from junk food to hasten the process. What are your thoughts on reducing belly fat? Let us know in the comments!
Author’s bio: Daniel Torres was born in Texas and went to Sacramento for college. He studied law but he took a sabbatical year after graduating and traveled to South-East Asia. That is where he discovered fitness with yoga and never looked back. Daniel is currently a professional fitness instructor.
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]]>The post Sebastien Lagree: The Perfect Intersection Between Technology and Fitness appeared first on Dallas Yoga Magazine.
]]>Sebastien Lagree: Featured Article Fitness and Technology
Technology has become a major player in fitness in the last few years. Fitness machines have become more and more sophisticated. Streaming fitness sessions into our homes is common.
I recently had the opportunity to get to know a bit about Sebastien Lagree. He is the only fitness professional in the world who has patents on both fitness technology and a fitness method. He has one of the most fascinating career stories I have ever heard. Not only has he influenced fitness globally with his workout equipment and fitness method, but he has reached celebrity status, working with A-Listers such as Megan Markle, Michelle Obama, Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman, and many others. Class Pass even determined that the Megaformer, one of Sebastien’s fitness machines, has been the fastest-growing fitness trend in America.
Sebastien really lives what he preaches. Fitness is his passion and his job. I had the pleasure of interviewing him on subjects ranging from his humble beginnings in the French countryside to the patents he holds. He comes across as extremely genuine and really cares about helping everyone with whom he works to achieve fitness, which he believes can only come from a true mind/body connection.
I posed a few questions to Sebastien so that he could tell us a bit about himself in his own words.
Mary: What made you decide to leave the beautiful French countryside for America?
Sebastien: I have always wanted to live in the US. When I had the opportunity to study there and earn my MBA, I became even more enamored with the wide range of opportunities available in the States, and it was evident that it would be the ideal place to put my business goals and aspirations to action. I still have family in Europe and visit often, and there are many Lagree licensees across the continent as well – specifically in France! I typically travel often and look forward to doing so again soon when it is safe and visiting my global studios.
Mary: Tell us about your documentary film Future of Fitness. Give us your vision for where technology is leading fitness.
Sebastien: The Future of Fitness was filmed because I saw an uncertain future within the fitness industry. People are increasingly lazy and will resort to anything to look fit but not to workout. I had to research and investigate this concern. Fitness is so much more important that having a great looking body. Our mind and our brain require us to be fit. We cannot develop fully without exercise. I think that in the future, more people will work out for entirely different reasons. It won’t just be for matters of vanity, but it will be because there is a more holistic understanding about the vital importance of exercise in longevity.
Mary: How does technology assist us in becoming more in tune with our brain and our body? Where is technology going to take the fitness industry?
Sebastien: With technology comes opportunity and advancement across all industries, but this is particularly relevant for fitness in that it enhances accessibility. I launched the Lagree at Home app this year amid the pandemic as my company adapted and shifted our model given the global situation. We harnessed the power of technology to offer unique and different approaches to fitness. Technology also allows us to be accountable as there are so many ways we can track progress and understand the ROI of physical activity. This satisfaction will turn into motivation to continually improve.
Mary: What can you tell us about personal motivation, as covered by your short series Fitspiration?
Sebastien: Different things have motivated me at different times. When I was 13, I worked out to get girlfriends. Today, at 47, I workout for longevity. We all need to find our inner inspiration if we want to stick to it. Motivation is what gets you started. Inspiration is what gets you going.
Mary: What do the Megaformer, the Supra, and the Ultra do? How are they used in a workout?
Sebastien: These machines have all evolved from one another. They all have different mechanisms. The Supra and Ultra lift and tilt, which the Mega does not. The Ultra will have a few more features not available on the other machines.
Mary: How do these machines help to work out your body? Are they intended to provide a full-body workout?
Sebastien: Lagree is definitely a full-body workout, and proves that it isn’t about how long and how many reps you’re working out for. It’s about the intensity and movements. Lagree is a core-centric workout, and a typical 25 minute class is all it takes to get the job done. Doing a class three days a week is enough to notice results given the system of our workout.
Sebastien Lagree Fitness Style Online
Mary: Describe your patented Lagree Fitness Method.
Sebastien: Lagree is a full body, high intensity but low impact workout. If you want to change your body; you have to stimulate it; that’s what high intensity is used for: to create change; unfortunately, high intensity exercises can also be high impact and therefore detrimental to the joints, connective tissues, and the spine. Lagree fixes this equation by offering both: a workout that will change you but not hurt you over the long run. Our three core principles are Core, Muscular Strength, and Muscular Endurance which are all three linked to longevity.
Mary: From reading about you, I see that your personal philosophy is rooted in perseverance and tenacity, regardless of roadblocks. What are some of the personal and professional obstacles you have overcome?
Sebastien: OMG, there are too many. That’s a book! Perhaps the most disappointing roadblock is the proliferation of copycats within our own community. Licensees who suddenly come out with their “own” machine or trainers going rogue. This creates a lot of confusion about what Lagree is, and we usually have to do all the cleaning. By cleaning, we mean that we have to do the work to reestablish what Lagree is and what it is not. When our licensees breach contract, it threatens the Lagree brand as a whole, and it then becomes our team’s responsibility to promote the authentic Lagree name. Many ex-licensees are trying to copy the machine, but they do not understand the method. The machine was created because of the method, not the other way around.
Mary: Do you want to tell us about a personal obstacle you have overcome?
Sebastien: This year presented a unique and unprecedented set of challenges, but in a way, we did anticipate that a change in the fitness industry was coming. The industry boomed in 2020 and grossed billions of dollars in profit amid COVID-19 as gyms closed and home fitness became the norm. For a company that operates via in-person classes, we had to adapt to stay relevant and continue serving our clients that turn to Lagree as a vital part of their daily routines. With the launch of the Lagree at Home app, which demonstrates more than 200 moves that can be done on our machines or off, and with the new Microformer machine that is compact and geared toward home fitness, we persevered.
Mary: You train a number of celebrities. How does your method cater particularly to people with very busy schedules? Is there flexibility in your workouts?
Sebastien: My workout is perfect for VIPs because it is so effective that it can be done within 25 minutes or less. The results are also noticeably quick if you are dedicated to the method. I’ve worked with many celebrities and athletes who have had very specific goals and a strict timeline, which is why they turn to Lagree to help them achieve those goals and look their very best. There’s also flexibility in that there are different classes and movements that can be done on the machines – clients can really make it their own!
Mary: Your instagram tells me you are a dad. How have you juggled being a parent with the significant career you have?
Sebastien: It’s not easy. I do work a lot. I have definitely missed a few events here and there, but they do appreciate all the hard work I put in creating this company. My kids will go to college very soon and then join me. They are both interested in fitness and love the machines we build. They want to continue the legacy.
Mary: I also notice you love M&Ms. Me too!! What is your philosophy on the role nutrition plays in overall fitness?
Sebastien: Nutrition is key! I do indulge once in a while, but I try to eat pretty clean: avoid fried food, microwaved, canned, boxed, frozen food. I usually don’t buy any food which comes in a plastic bag, cardboard box, wrap, etc. I order a lot, and I make sure to eat fresh and mix my food.
Mary: I own a yoga studio. I truly believe the mind/body connection is the key to long-lasting health. I see you believe the brain has a huge role to play in the motivation factor for exercise. What are your thoughts on this “brain/body” connection?
Sebastien: Absolutely, and that is a topic I cover in my documentary. I think that more and more people will work out to exploit that connection. I am also a huge mental health advocate and encourage my clients to recognize the connection between the mental and the physical to live holistically well-rounded lives. This is very important to me.
Mary: In yoga, we say that every great teacher is also a student of his/her students. What do you learn from your students?
Sebastien: I learn from my trainings and my students each time. As a matter of fact, I would not be able to evolve the machine without teaching. Teaching is a vital component of my business. If not for the pandemic, I typically teach many times a week. I am very hands-on and appreciate feedback from my students and interacting with them. They’re my priority!
Mary: Did you always have a vision for the services and products you offer? Or did you grow into this fitness empire organically, figuring it out as you went along? How did this big adventure unfold?
Sebastien: No, that’s just happened. Of course, now looking back, it all makes sense but back then, I had zero clue of what would become. Fitness has always been my passion and professional aspiration, but never did I anticipate building a global company. Innovation, networking, traveling, and a genuine interest in health got me to where I am today.
Mary: What do you do for fun? What are your hobbies outside of fitness?
Sebastien: I love to travel and explore new places but my favorite hobby is scuba diving. I love diving. I have been diving for 31 years now, dove all over the world but still have many places to check out. I love to dive with predators (sharks, crocs, etc..) That will probably be how I retire someday: get a big boat and dive every day in unknown places. I love the ocean. I recently partnered with which is an organization dedicated to the preservation of Orcas.
Sebastien’s bio tagline reads Visionaire/Entrepreneur/Inventor. As you can see from the interview, he embodies all three of these. He has the vision to see where the fitness industry is going and the technical talent to invent equipment to get us all the most optimal workout in our busy lives. And as someone who has reinvented himself multiple times, he is the consummate entrepreneur.
You can learn more about Sebastien at his website and on Instagram at @lagreefitness and @sebastien.lagree
About The Author:
Mary Von Ahnen is a certified yoga teacher and owner of Horizon Hot Yoga in Frisco. An amazing yoga community offering a variety of yoga styles, meditations and workshops. You can find our more about her studio and the classes they offer:
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]]>The post Demystifying Meditaiton with the Kleshas: What Hinders Your Practice? appeared first on Dallas Yoga Magazine.
]]>What hinders your practice?
By: Brian Serven, Yoga: Teacher, Mentor, Consultant, Therapist, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500, YACEP
“The hard truth though, is that the obstacle is not in the path, style or type of meditation,
the obstacle is within the student.” Brian Serven
Though the effect of a dedicated meditation practice is equanimity (mental or emotional stability or composure, especially under tension or strain, calmness); it is ironic that for most students at the onset of meditation, the mind resists with the intensity of a raging tornado. Instead of feeling lured to a quiet space to let thoughts and stresses sink and settle, aversions arise steeped in intense emotional reactions, fears of failure and frustration.
Why is meditation so elusive?The answers may come to light by observing yoga’s psychological model known as the Kleshas, or hindrances of the mind. These are defined as Ignorance, Egoism, Attachment, Aversion and Fear.
Ignorance is not knowing, confusion, misperception and lack of clarity. When it comes to meditation, there are numerous unknowns. An example is confusion around a suitable type or style of meditation.
Hours, days or months passing while attempting to reap the meditative rewards of countless different types of meditation can cause the Ego to shift out of balance, resulting in a growing disbelief in one’s capability to meditate or to derive any benefits from the practice.
Misunderstanding can lead to Attachments in mediation. A common attachment is to a preconceived notion of progress or a ‘state of being’ that is supposed to arrive after practice. The lore and literature of supernatural experiences immensely hinders the practitioner’s relationship with a quiet mind.
Feelings of frustration breed Aversion to the practice of meditation itself.
Before long, a student may Fear that they are wasting their time, being unproductive or in some case, the fear of success equally blocks the process.
An earnest student of meditation may inquire with a teacher about their meditation struggles. Unfortunately, most teachers of yoga are as inexperienced with meditation as the students in their classes. Inexperienced teachers try to placate students with platitudes and inane advice. Most commonly, the advice is to simply try something else; like from a meditation technique buffet. The belief system that there is one ‘right’ type is rooted in the mystery of meditation. It is as if some students believe a meditative state of mind is like the result of some arcane magic, that you’ve just got to do the spell correctly; right position, waning moon, 13th day of the month, right mudra (hand gesture), right mantra and so on. But the meditative state is not relegated to some external circumstance like a solar eclipse. Ceaseless searching for the right type actually brings to light a deeper and more subdued desire for the process to be easier. If a student sits and hits an obstacle, rather than address it, it is easier to hope to find a path without an obstacle. The hard truth though, is that the obstacle is not in the path, style or type of meditation, the obstacle is within the student.
Beyond physical or sensory hindrances such as body discomfort or distractions like sound, most obstacles reside in the mind. Facing a psychological obstacle is like facing a riddle. It requires perseverance, courage and self-awareness to discern the hindrance and its root. It is not something the student will necessarily be able to do at first encounter either. Meditation is not a race and any glimmer of a so-called ‘awakening’ felt at any given moment is indeed fleeting – so don’t be attached.
Let’s look at an example of a mental hindrance. Imagine as you sit and endeavor to quiet your mind that you experience anxiety. Perhaps there is a dramatic change set to occur in your life and the clock is endlessly counting the seconds down to the inevitable and apprehensive shift. Exploring the Kleshas (a term from Indian philosophy and yoga, meaning poison) provides you the opportunity to create a dialogue with yourself beginning with a series of questions. These are problems you can simply contemplate as you sit in your meditative position. Other alternatives are journaling or speaking with a mental health professional. Examples of some questions you may ask yourself are:
IgnoranceWhat am I not understanding about the change?
Is there anything I am unclear or confused about?
EgoismHow does the change impact my sense of self or who I believe I am?
AttachmentWhat am I clinging to that is impairing my ability to move on?
AversionWhat about the change am I resisting and how can I overcome the resistance?
FearWhat worries me about the change?
Remember, you are not alone in your struggles with cultivating a strong meditation practice. Make sure you know the basics, find a legitimate and experienced teacher for support and accept the reality that there will be obstacles. Acknowledge the obstacle, use the Kleshas to explore and understand the source of the obstacle and be patient as you unpack the issues. In time and with fortitude, you may find your mental resistance to the practice of sitting quietly with yourself becomes less charged. Acceptance that obstacles will arise and confidence you can address them creates an attitude of ease in the face of obstacles. This is where equanimity comes from. It is not that the meditator overcomes an obstacle and is liberated from it permanently. It is that the meditator no longer allows the obstacle to confine or define them.
More About the Author:
Brian Serven began his ever-deepening relationship with yoga in 2008, as a counterweight to the intensity of studying martial arts. Concepts such as self-reliance, non-violence, clarity and discipline were found to harmonize between the disciplines and validated the belief of common roots. In 2020, Brian, his wife Michelle, pup Cubert and cats Baroness and Doom, left the northeast and moved cross-country to southern California. There they enjoy cycling, astronomy and vegan cuisine.
Contact Brian:
@nidanserven or @BrianServen
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]]>The post How to Return to Yoga After Injury or Illness appeared first on Dallas Yoga Magazine.
]]>There are circumstances in life when working out is completely out of the question. Whether you’ve been away from your regular yoga practice due to illness or injury, returning to your mat is something you should do slowly and carefully.
In most cases, getting out of shape doesn’t happen as quickly as we’d think. While cardiovascular fitness starts to decline after about ten days to two weeks of not working out, muscle strength actually stays around longer.
According to most sources, it takes three to ten weeks for muscle fibers to start shrinking. Of course, this depends on how much you worked out before the time off, as well as the shape you were in. Those who work out more and at higher intensities will probably start seeing a difference in their performance sooner, even though their muscle strength will remain intact for a longer period.
What does all this mean for resuming your yoga practice? Well, it’s a reminder of the fact that, like a machine, our bodies need maintenance. After having been idle for longer periods of time, they will require slightly more effort to boot up.
Fortunately, though, there are things you can do in order to minimize the consequences of having taken time off.
If you’ve been away from the studio for more than two or three weeks, it’s best to ease your body back into physical activity. It’s recommended that you take a lower-level class, as well as, taking it easy and not pushing yourself (even if you feel like you can handle it).
It’s not uncommon for people to get an adrenaline rush simply from being able to exercise again, which then makes them less aware of their physical limits. The increased adrenal activity makes it easier for you to maximize muscle power, all the while making you less sensitive to pain. This means that pushing yourself to the limit might just be the tipping point to another injury, which is what you want to avoid in the first place.
Fuel your bodyWhat you eat will have a big impact on how you perform. That’s why you’ll want to pay closer attention to your nutrition when getting back into working out. If you’ve been ill and your body is weaker than it was, the right nutrition will make two things possible. First, it will give you the energy needed to do an entire workout. And second, it will help you recover easier.
Opting for nutrient-rich, versatile foods will be your best bet. Make sure you’re not eating too much nor too little and try to give yourself enough time between your meals and workouts so you don’t push your body into exhaustion right off the bat.
It’s also not a bad idea to include supplementation in your diet. While something as simple as a well-chosen multivitamin will give you some benefits, you’ll do even better if you customize your supplements to give you the exact targeted benefits you need.
Take recovery seriouslyGetting back to physical activity can be exciting, and a little addictive. Nonetheless, it’s important to remind yourself to take things slow. Most importantly, you’ll want to give yourself at least a couple of recovery days per week. If you haven’t worked out in months or years, it’s best to limit your yoga practice to two or three sessions per week. Slowly increase the number of sessions as you gain back strength.
On your days off, don’t let yourself become glued to your couch. Go for a 30-minute walk, do some foam rolling, or sweat it out in a sauna.
Furthermore, be prepared to experience some light delayed onset muscle soreness after your first few sessions. Generally, this shouldn’t be an excuse to skip a workout. Rather, it’s a sign to take it easier and to better care for your body in between yoga classes. Taking a hot bath with some Epsom salts, getting a massage, or taking a cold shower the morning after your workout are all excellent ways of helping alleviate DOMS.
Make sure you have a support systemFinally, there’s another very important aspect of getting back into yoga after injury or illness. You will want to provide yourself with a good support system. For the most part, this system should include professionals who will closely monitor your health and advise any necessary adjustments or practices to ensure you’re getting maximum benefits from your yoga practice.
If the reason for your being away was an illness, consult with your doctor, who can give you guidelines on the best way to get back into physical activity. If, however, the reason for an extended break was an injury, you’ll want to also involve a physical therapist. Even more, it’s important that you speak with your yoga instructor so that they’re aware of any limitations that will affect your session.
ConclusionReturning to yoga is a beautiful experience. And, if you’ve been away from the studio for an extended period, it’s also an important milestone. As long as you listen to your body, exercise patience, and do a few small things on your days off, you are sure to have a happy, satisfying experience while regaining your strength and flexibility.
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]]>The post Yoga & Art: Express Yourself appeared first on Dallas Yoga Magazine.
]]>By: “AJ” Amy Jo Crowell, Publisher Dallas Yoga Magazine & Founder Cosmic Yogi Festivals
Deepa Koshley & her amazing art influenced by her yoga.
Recently, I met an incredible woman, Deepa Koshaley, who is an Indian born yoga and meditation teacher. Deepa is also an artist whose natural talent caught my attention immediately. I was mesmerized by her paintings and fell in love with the fluid movement of the brightly colored elements on the canvas. Deepa’s Master’s Degree in Landscape Architecture shines through in her abstract creations depicted in a variety of shapes and formations while the serenity of nature bursts forth with energy. Her love of art and yoga come together and transforms the canvas in an expression of inspired beauty.
Deepa’s art has been seen in several places throughout the metroplex including: Mary Thomas Gallery, Irving Art Center, Eisemann Center (Richardson) and the South Dallas Cultural Center. Her distinctive style of art has made her increasingly popular and she has held leadership roles with the Art of Living Foundation, Texas Visual Arts Association, Dallas Art Dealers Association, Irving Arts Association and the Visual Arts Guild of Frisco.
Deepa states, “Through art, I seek to evoke balance between the body and mind, encouraging mindful self-expression.”
Combining her abundant love for yoga, meditation and art her Yoga and Art Classes came to fruition. Joel, my partner, and I had the opportunity to attend one of these incredible workshops. During The Other Art Show in Dallas, Deepa was an exhibiter and held one of these popular classes. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if Joel would be game and he kept saying, “…but I’m not an artist…I can’t paint well enough to do something like this.” I explained you didn’t need to be an artist (I definitely am not) and was pleasantly surprised when he agreed to attend and I’m so glad he did!
Deepa guiding Joel away from the paints.
When we arrived at the venue and found the Yoga and Art area it was carefully arranged with plastic on the floor, paint in a variety of colors, brushes, water and a canvas at each place. There was area for our yoga mats as well. As we chose our spots, we started to get excited about our adventure and, of course, Joel immediately wanted to touch the paints and Deepa carefully guided him away from making an immediate mess.
The class was a diversity of people who all were there to have fun, create and enjoy the event. Deepa started the yoga class with slow deep yoga stretches to get our blood and energy flowing. She would ask us to sit in front of our canvas and then asked us to start with one color. She explained not to think about anything, go inward and paint what you are feeling. Deepa said, “focus on our own artwork and don’t look at others. Go inward. It’s your own personal journey.” (It reminded me of yoga…just focus on yourself, don’t look at others in the class. Go inward. It’s our own personal journey.) She continued by saying, “there is no judgement, no right or wrong just the beauty of self-expression.”
Deepa would then tell us to put our brushes down and come back to our mats where we would follow her in a series of postures. She guided us to be open to new possibilities and new creations. Then we would go back to our paintings. Joel later shared with me, “The more visits I made to my artwork the stronger my passion grew to paint. I felt my feelings become fluid with the brush and colors on the empty canvas. It felt so peaceful and I was energized at the same time.”
Just let the brush flow is the key.
The class did not just focus on yoga postures, Deepa lead us in pranayama breath work and silent meditations. This helped us connect with our inner self and higher power so when we started painting the brush just seem to flow without any thought.
The class was more fun than I could have possibly imagined! We laughed, smiled, giggled and felt a new abundance of positive energy. Joel and I had a fantastic time together creating our own special mindful art pieces. It was fabulous at the end of the class to see everyone’s creations. Each piece was different representing our own personal journey during the time we spent together. Some had big shapes with an art deco feeling while others were contemporary and abstract. One thing for sure…they were all beautiful in their own way.
While I was talking to one of the other students in class they shared, “Even though I enjoyed the yoga, it motivated me to be more creative and I couldn’t wait to get back to my painting.”
Another student said, “I didn’t know what this class was going to be like, but it was a BLAST! I can’t believe how much fun it was and how easy the yoga and painting flowed together.”
Joel and I brought our paintings home and have them hanging in our family room. Everyday as we look at the paintings on our wall we are reminded of the wonderful experience and can’t wait to do it again.
For more information on Deepa Koshaley’s artwork, workshops and landscape design go to:
AJ & Joel after class showing off their canvases.
Students mindfully painting.
Everyone’s artwork is so unique!
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]]>The post 13 Ways Women Strike a Balance Between Work & Family appeared first on Dallas Yoga Magazine.
]]>By: Om Singh
Women today are becoming freer than ever, in thoughts, in emotions, in actions. There was a time when women were denied education; today, so many women are the sole provider for the family.
Women are excelling in all fields, in business, in sports, in television and of course women are also excellent homemakers.
Many modern women who have successful careers and beautiful families often face a dilemma, and that is how to balance between work and family?
We all seek for balance, so life can have meaning and is enjoyable.
Here are 13 ways on how to balance between work and family:
This is the single most important thing when trying to create a balance between work and family. Often, there is so much expected from women from the family and the workplace that the burden of this expectation can burn us out.
So, when you feel that you are overwhelmed and that you have a lot to do, remember to pause and then breathe. Remember to look at yourself and see that you are too just a person, a human being trying your best.
When the pressure of expectations gets too much, remember to be gentle with yourself. Gently tell the voice in your head that is saying that you are not doing enough that, ‘it is not true’.
When you are gentle with yourself and patient with yourself, you can truly be gentle with your family.
We strive for perfectionism because we want to give our best input and generate the best output from everything that we do. We strive for perfectionism because we want to give our best to those we love or a purpose we love.
Sometimes, perfectionism can become a trap and can feel like a heavy burden we are carrying, and when this happens, we can start to resent the very thing we wanted to give our all to, like our family and our work.
Accepting that everything is not always going to perfect and things are going to be messy sometimes can go a long way in helping you balance between work and family. Accepting that you, too, are a human and can sometimes make mistakes is a healthy way to maintain a balance within yourself and in your external life at home and work.
So, if once in a while, you find yourself forgetting to pick up your child’s laundry, don’t be too hard on yourself.
Taking out time for yourself means going out with your friends, going out alone, taking yourself out a date, maybe to the movies or the ice cream shop, taking relaxing hot water baths, reading a book you enjoy, finding a hobby like gardening or learning an instrument.
Anything that makes you feel more connected to yourself and where you are your only priority for at least those few hours is worth the time.
Taking out time for yourself will help you regenerate and refresh your mind, which in turn will help you be more present at work and with family.
You go to work at 9 am, and before that, you have to take care of your family’s breakfast. After you come back from work after 8/9 hours, you have to cook dinner for your family and then clean up and go to bed.
When do you have time to rest in the middle of all this? Rest is so crucial in our day to day activities.
Take out sometime during the day even if it is 10 mins where you rest your eyes and your body. Just taking a time out after every few hours will do your body and mind wonders.
Sitting with your eyes closed and breathing deeply for 10 minutes and sitting in silence is a great way to get some rest.
On weekends, you can wake up a little, sleep a little. When we sleep well, we are rested well and can function well.
Get some quality exercise at least three times a week to keep your body moving and healthy. Join a gym, buy some home gym equipment, go out for a walk or a run, join a Yoga class, go swimming, play a sport you enjoy and get some body movement.
Moderate exercise is vital for our health. When we exercise our body, it helps with refreshing the mind as well.
Movement is essential for the body to maintain good health. Without movement, we can put on weight and have a dull body. Movement regulates energy in the body, which in turn helps with a healthy mind.
Once we have a strong spiritual connection, we can withstand any storm that comes our way. This is because we are connected to the divine spirit that moves through all things.
To build your spiritual connection, practice spiritual practices like yoga and meditation. Practices like yoga and meditation help us get more in touch with our bodies, our minds, our souls, and the divine spirit that is present everywhere.
There are so many beautiful yoga retreats in India held all over the country. Attend these yoga retreats, where you can take some time off and connect to your spiritual self.
Having a job that asks a lot of you and having a family that requires your full devotion can feel overwhelming. A lot of emotions can come up during the effort to maintain a healthy balance between work and family.
Emotion regulation sometimes means when you are too overwhelmed, allow yourself to cry or feel the emotions that arise within you and do not suppress them.
Suppressing emotions can lead to diseases. Feeling all your feelings and emotions helps you in feeling lighter, showing up in a healthier way at work and with family.
Don’t waste your time on people and things that drain your energy or who don’t want the best for you and your family.
Choose people who genuinely have your best interests as your friends and choose to invest your time into things and activities that truly bring you and your family the greatest joy.
You don’t have to do it all alone. Ask your partner for help and divide the responsibly equally so both of you can grow as people, and all of you can grow as a family.
Have honest communication with your partner regarding your struggles and what help you might need from him and listen to what he has to share as well.
When you and your partner can work as a team, you can create real magic.
When your children are still young, and you have to go to work or go on a date with your partner, having a good and trustworthy babysitter can help.
Make sure the babysitter you hire is a good person and will take the utmost care of your baby.
Have a calendar where all your schedules can be noted down, and all your children’s essential schedules and details can be noted down, so there are fewer chances of you missing out on crucial things that matter to your family and your work life.
For example, simple things like when your child’s piano lesson is or what time do you have to go for a meeting can all be noted down in this calendar, so you don’t miss a thing and can stay at the top of your game.
Spending quality time with your family where you all can bond, share stories, share struggles, and truly connect with each other’s hearts and minds can genuinely help with maintaining a work-life balance.
You can watch a movie together or go on holiday together.
When you spend time with your family, they know you love them and care about them, so once in a while, when you fall back or make a mistake, they understand you and love you for who you are.
Have a strong support system of people who have similar struggles as yours, and women are also trying to find a healthy work-life balance.
When you have a reliable support system, you can share your struggles and get ideas, tips, and learn from each other.
When we have a sound support system, we know that we are not alone in what we are experiencing, and know we are not alone in our struggles gives us immense strength to live our lives.
Author Bio:
Om Singh is a blogger at Retreat Kula, a website that offers yoga and Ayurveda Retreats around the world. He is always on the lookout for interesting places to visit. It took him 25 years of his life to realize where his true calling lies, but once that was done, there’s been no looking back.
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]]>The post 6 Tips for Starting Yoga After 50 appeared first on Dallas Yoga Magazine.
]]>No matter how old you are, yoga can be a fantastic addition to your weekly routine. It promotes mental and physical health and has nothing but positive effects on your day-to-day life.
However, if you are in the 50+ box, you might want to be a bit more cautious, as you would with any other exercise regimen. To help you get started with yoga and experience all of its benefits to their fullest, we’ve rounded up these six useful tips.
Talk to your doctor if you have a medical condition or injury If you have trouble with your back, hips, knees, or any other joints or muscles, you might want to first discuss the idea of yoga with your physical therapist or GP. While yoga should be perfectly safe for you, there might be some extra precautions you need to take to help you ease into your flow.
Also, make sure you sign up for a beginners’ class, and preferably one in your age group as well. Some beginners’ classes are slower in their pace than others, so try to find one that corresponds with your age and needs. Don’t jump straight into a session of hot yoga – it will hurt more than it should, and you don’t want to push your body too much too fast.
Tell your instructor what injuries or difficulties you may have so that they can adjust movements to your needs.
Go to a live class if you can While you should, by all means, practice at home, and there are countless online videos you can use to guide you, it’s highly advised to attend a class in person. While online resources are certainly an amazing way to maintain a routine and keep practicing, you also need someone to correct your posture and show you how you can modify each movement to your own needs.
Never forget to warm up Warm-ups are the most important part of any exercise, and the same is true for yoga. Especially as you get older, when your joints are a bit stiffer and refuse to cooperate as easily, you will need to devote enough time to warm up before a proper yoga session.
On some days, you might decide to just stick to the warm-up exercises, some light stretches, and relaxation movements. They will be enough to get your blood flowing and put you in a better mood on the days when you’re really not able to do an entire routine.
Invest in a good mat A yoga mat can make a lot of difference to your practice, so make sure you find one that is comfortable and supportive enough, especially if you have joint and back issues.
A mat that is too thin will not cushion you against the floor enough, so find one that feels right to you. When buying a new mat, even things like color can make a difference. While you’re at it, don’t forget that your clothes also need to be comfy and stretchy.
Socializing is an important part of your practice If you are going for a yoga class in person, don’t forget to engage with others before and after. A survey has shown that those who live longer are more active and social, so adding a bit of chit chat to your practice can be a great option.
Yoga class is often also a great place to meet individuals from all walks of life, to whom you would not have access otherwise. It’s an opportunity to meet people who can share experiences completely different from your own, which is a great way to keep your mind active and curious.
Meditate as you practice Meditation often goes hand in hand with yoga, so adding a meditation session to your yoga practice can be an even better way to boost its benefits.
You might find it difficult at first, but once you stop trying to control your thoughts, you will get the hang of it. Soon enough, you will find that meditation is simply enjoying how your thoughts flow and monitoring the emotions they bring with them. Give yourself enough time to get used to the sensation and the effort needed for meditation, and you will be thankful you stuck to it.
Final thoughts If you are still unsure about how you should go about adding yoga to your life, give yourself a trial period. Try it for a month, and if you don’t see any benefits, let yourself give it up. But we are pretty certain a month will be all you need to fall in love with yoga and the improvements it adds to your body and mind.
Author Bio: Sarah Kaminski is a life enjoyer, positivity seeker, and a curiosity enthusiast. She’s been a freelance writer for over a decade and loves researching health and wellness topics.
The post 6 Tips for Starting Yoga After 50 appeared first on Dallas Yoga Magazine.
]]>The post Pregnancy Diet: What to Eat & What to Avoid appeared first on Dallas Yoga Magazine.
]]>By: Tiffany Simmons, Freelance Writer
Being pregnant can be the best and the weirdest journey that you will ever experience as a mother. Your body is going through changes that you don’t experience on a monthly basis and you are literally growing a human inside of you, crazy right?
While it may be quite the extraordinary experience it can be difficult if you don’t provide your body with the necessary fuel that it needs to sustain itself for nine long months. What you eat is just as important as what you don’t eat throughout your pregnancy.
It can be quite difficult for a mother to understand what to include and no longer continue doing when it comes to her eating habits. But you have no need to worry because we are going to give you the Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to pregnancy dietary needs.
Don’t consume alcohol
If you are women from Europe and you are reading this then your opinion on consuming alcoholic beverages during pregnancy may be drastically different from that of someone from the United States. However, it is recommended by physicians all over the United States and many other countries that you limit and cut out alcoholic beverages altogether.
The consumption of alcohol during pregnancy can cause what is known as fetal alcohol syndrome. This can cause developmental delays as well as a plethora of issues.
Do drink lots of water
In general people should drink an average of eight glasses of water on a daily basis. When you are pregnant the number of glasses of water you consume doubles because water is needed to not only produce amniotic fluid, but to also keep you hydrated.
Because your body is now providing nourishment for you and your child, it takes a lot more energy to undertake such a large task. You need to keep yourself functioning in order to provide proper nutrition for your growing fetus.
Don’t eat lots of fried foods
There are some things known as good fats but fried foods are not one of them. Doctors recommend that you can gain anywhere from 15-20 pounds throughout the course of your pregnancy and anything more can put you at risk of contracting preeclampsia or gestational diabetes. Both of these can leave you on bed rest as well as put you and your baby at risk of causing preterm labor. When a child is born before they are ready their lungs could be underdeveloped as well as other complications that would leave them in the hospital fighting for their lives.
Do take a prenatal supplement
Doctors will prescribe you a prenatal supplement because although we as mothers try to do everything in our power to provide our children with the nutrition they need we aren’t always able to provide every single vitamin. The prenatal supplement will supply your body with the right amount of vitamins and minerals that you and your child needs during pregnancy.
After you give birth, some doctors may recommend that you continue to take the supplement because you need these vitamins on a daily basis to continue to stay healthy.
Don’t consume raw foods
We understand that some of you are avid sushi eaters but consuming raw and uncooked food during pregnancy is a huge no no. It can cause you to contract a life-threatening illness from bacteria like salmonella, listeria, and e.coli. Make sure that any and all foods you consume are cooked until done and prepared properly to make sure the likelihood of you contracting any of these are unlikely.
Do enjoy your pregnancy
It can be difficult to remember all of the Do’s and Don’ts of pregnancy but one thing you should never forget is to simply enjoy being pregnant. Life passes so quickly and once your little one is in this world you will find yourself wishing they were still in your belly covered and protected by you.
Children are a blessing and one of the best gifts we experience as mothers is being able to carry them in our wombs until they are ready to make their entrance into the world.
About the Author:
Tiffany Simmons is a Georgia mom, wife and aspiring children’s book writer. She holds a BS in Mass Communications and Marketing from the University of West Georgia. Tiffany left a career in the healthcare profession to become a freelance writer for
The post Pregnancy Diet: What to Eat & What to Avoid appeared first on Dallas Yoga Magazine.