To Infinity and Beyond Reiki
To Infinity and Beyond Reiki
By: Michelle Welch, Owner and Founder of SoulTopia
Secrets must be revealed to those who stand as way-showers for willing participants who have yet to break through old paradigms and conditioned beliefs. Information must be given to those that are ready to receive. To truly ascend we must begin to look at things with fresh eyes. The old ways were a foundation for us. Just as piano is a foundation for learning other musical instruments, so too are many wonderful healing methods such as Reiki. They are our foundation. Now we moving into a time of so much more. This does not mean certain practices are completely outmoded. However, it does mean they are to be re-thought, re-evaluated and perhaps replaced or supplemented by new waves of energy being disclosed to us at this time. It is time to expand the scope of our energy work. If this challenges you, remember to ask yourself: How has mankind truly become more enlightened? Is it possibly time for something more?
Archangel Raziel shines a bright flame of full spectrum colors on the human perception. Raziel is dispelling any confusion that might have previously prevailed with other practices and is also allowing upgrades to those ready to receive them. Many are ready to move beyond the basics into greater awareness, awakening and enlightenment. Humankind is yearning for more. We just can’t seem to place what it is that is missing. We are being drawn – indeed pulled – to something greater, something ancient to the cosmos yet new to our consciousness. It is time to channel in the new paradigm that includes truly ancient wisdom that has predominantly been underutilized. Let us stop trading old conditioned beliefs merely to find that we are ushering in regurgitated messages as new ones.
Stellar Gateway Healing (SGH) is energy healing that breaks through karmic barriers and opens us to ancient secrets of the universe. Through sacred geometry and Archangel Raziel attunements, we receive the keys to unlock the secrets in our subconscious. Through this healing we will begin to understand the energy currents in the magical universe. We learn how to manipulate them to bring about higher self and consciousness healing including that of the stellar gateway and transpersonal chakras. SGH is not just a healing of an individual in mind, body and/or soul – although this is certainly a benefit of the healing. SGH is here to assist those willing to accept the mission to become Healers of our planet and those planets, realms and dimensions unto which we will ultimately return. We are much more than even our four bodies (emotional, mental, physical and spiritual). We are energy beings that make up ALL that is. The ALL of ALL. The stellar gateway is that area where our karmic residue is held. Much of this residue no longer serves us.
The good news is that we can clear out this stale and unneeded karma that no longer serves our highest and best good. We can begin to connect more to our higher selves and to the Divine as we begin to truly realize we are all connected, and we are all one with Source. This clearing of karmic residue allows us access to our transpersonal chakras. Our transpersonal chakras are those chakras outside of our physical body that connect us with our guides, angels, ascended masters, and ultimately our Higher Self and Source. As we connect more to our Higher Selves, we have less need of guides because they have indeed guided us and pointed the way to us connecting with our Higher Self and Source. This karmic work and healing provides us with our own life purpose and blueprint. We all have a higher calling. We all have a purpose. It is time that we stop accepting the rhetoric and bondage of old karma and fully move into our true destiny.
*Stellar Gateway Healings are available at SoulTopia by appointment.
Michelle Welch
Owner and Founder of SoulTopia located in Carrollton, Texas