Spiritual Leadership & Personal Empowerment
Spiritual Leadership & Personal Empowerment
By: Lea Anne Garsaud
Spiritual Leadership is the path of personal empowerment; it is creating your life with conscious intent and taking responsibility for everything in it, following your heart, focusing on the result of what you desire, staying grounded, trusting life, doing what makes you happy, and having a grateful heart.
A Spiritual Leader understands concepts that a large part of the population is awakening to. Being a spiritual leader means you are brave enough to look inside yourself and take an honest inventory. You then discover, release, and shed all things that are not part of your authentic self -such as beliefs, behaviors and programs you have received from those who surround you. Forgiving yourself and others is a very powerful way of releasing energy that no longer serves or defines you. All of this work is an ongoing process, and is not easy at times.
If your world seems to be spinning in crazy directions right now, remember this:
Events in your life are taking place and changes are occurring around you because your soul has made choices and your heart is being lead in directions that have more fulfilling experiences for you. See your life and the things in it with your higher mind. Use the eye of your heart center. View things as they are and understand the bigger picture without judgment and allow yourself to be led by your internal guidance.
When you look at your life with your lower mind, you don’t see the magic. You miss synchronicities and opportunities. Instead of following subtle signs, feelings, intuitions, or acting on small impulses from your guidance that will lead you to the people you need to meet or the places you need to go; your lower mind judges the messages or impulses and tells you they are not real. It is usually in hindsight you realize the voice you didn’t listen to was true.
You have a higher mind, the one that our societal systems steer you away from; and a lower mind, the one that our societal systems develop. One has to do with expansion, the other represents limitation. Listen to, use, and see your life with your higher mind. Know you are on your path and you are right where you need to be. Life is a journey, not a destination. When you are hard on yourself or judging yourself and your life situation, just know it is coming from the lower mind; don’t listen to it. The lower mind does not have an appreciation for your spirit. That is the outside world trying to get you to conform to its ways.
This article is written in the spirit of encouragement, acknowledgement, and appreciation of the Spiritual Leader. The times we are living in require us to flow with the changes, follow our heart, and trust our instincts. We must truly know ourselves. When you grow spiritually, you are finding your own truth, creating your own path, knowing who you are, living as an example and showing the way for others to follow. Your strength and courage make the world a better place.
Because of the continuous rise in energy and frequency, a lot of change is occurring. This change affects all of us, both as individuals and as a collective humanity. Keep your sights on the kind of life you want to live and surround yourself with supportive, like- minded people. Manifest your life with big, beautiful dreams for yourself and all life on the Earth. Go with the flow of unexpected twists and turns that will ultimately lead you to your destination. Use your Eagle Eye and higher mind to allow you to see the utter perfection in the way your life is being laid out for you.
We are all powerful and magical creators here on a journey discovering that essence within ourselves.
You are loved, blessed, and appreciated immensely. Enjoy your wonderful, magical life-and all of your creations with Love- and most of all, love appreciate yourself as if you are one of your own creations, because you are! Namaste’ ~Lea Anne
Lea Anne Garsaud will be speaking at the Cosmic Yogi Festival on Saturday, November 11th, 2017 at Addison Conference and Theatre Centre. The title of her class is “Creating Sacred Space; Clear and Protect Your Space/Clear and Protect Yourself”. For more information go to www.cosmicyogimovement.com
For more information on Lea Anne Garsaud go to her website www.energyanatomy.net
and social media www.facebook.com/EnergyAnatomy.