Cosmic Yogi Festival: A Movement for All Yogis to Unite
Cosmic Yogi Festival
A Movement for All Yogis to Unite
By: “AJ” Amy Jo Crowell, Publisher Dallas Yoga Magazine & Co-Founder Cosmic Yogi Festival
Addison, Texas, June 2, 2018 from 10am to 6pm, Addison Conference & Theatre Centre
It’s the largest local yoga festival in Dallas Fort Worth. Get ready for an “Out of this World Experience” at the Cosmic Yogi Festival! The event features 3 yoga or meditation classes every hour, aerial yoga, goat yoga, a speaker every 35 minutes, music, gongs, drums, crystal singing bowls, an array of vendors, holistics, food trucks and so many surprises!
The Festival is open to those who have never experienced yoga to the most advanced. A wide variety of yoga and meditation classes are offered for everyone to have the opportunity to practice their favorite style and try something new. The classes range from the most traditional styles to modern and funky. Some classes are also kid friendly.
Let’s all be kids again…pet a goat then twirl and spin upside down!
This year the festival features Goat Yoga by Goat Yoga Richardson and Aerial Yoga by Urban Vybe in Flower Mound. We know you want to…so give it a try!
So Many Different Yogas
The Festival features many different styles of yoga including Bhakti Flow, Vinyasa, Kundalini, Chakra Flow, Hatha, Svadhyaya, and much more. Here are some of the teachers and their classes: Heather Hopper with Kids Yoga for Grown-Ups, Ricky Tran leading Vinyasa with Kirtan, Diane Barrier teaching Chair Yoga, Lea Anne Garsaud with Thai Partner Yoga, Susan Meyman leading Practical Meditation, Debby K. Levy with Yoga and Crystals, Tyler Kuelbs with Yoga for 12 Step Recovery, Karon Frantz teaching Kundalini, Tara Rosenthal rocking with Buti Yoga, Marty Bernard swinging it with Chula Hoops, Daphne Moon with Ecstatic Dance, Daizha Petersma having fun with 80’s Glow Flow and Ryan Taylor leading a Drum Circle. There are so many more wonderful teachers and too many to mention so visit our website for our full listing
So Much to Learn
There are 12 presentations with a variety of topics including: Charles Gaby from Sync Yoga sharing about Choosing to Evolve: A User’s Guide to Waking Up, Supriya Chadwick from Ananda Center discussing Insights into Raja Yoga & Chanting, Michelle Welch the owner of Soul Topica exploring Crystals for Recovery, Lavanga Shellete from the Hare Krishna Temple explaining Adding Mantra Meditation To Your Practice, and “AJ” Amy Jo Crowell having a sound demonstration with crystal singing bowls and talking about Restoring Balance Using Sound. The Speaker line-up is incredible so visit our website for the entire listing
Our Last Festival
“This festival was one of the best I have attended for yogis and other wellness and holistic health professionals. From the consumer and the vendor side of things, I was so happy to have been there as it was such a great value in time and money from both perspectives! Great visibility for my business, and I was introduced to so many like-minded individuals I had no idea were in my neighborhood. Also, ALL THE CLASSES! With several classes taught every hour, the choices were amazing, and attendance was great!” Stacy Shepherd, Owner, The Yoga Factory
“The Cosmic Yogi Festival offered us a way to connect with fellow Yogis and experience sessions that were unique and inspiring!” Ashley Bundis, The Jewish Community Center
“This was an AWESOME festival and I’m so honored that I was a part of this event!!! We can’t wait for the next one!!” Stacey Smith, ZenTala
Thank you to Our Sponsors
Dallas Yoga Magazine, Bai, Athleta, Yoga Digest, Natural Grocers, Transformation Yoga, Natural Awakenings, 3 Minute Egg
You can find more information at or www... Also, on Facebook and Instagram @dallasyogamag